
About Us

Bruin Den is a platform that provides authentic information for apartment-hunters to ensure equitable pricing for all

The LGBTQIA community are more likely to experience victimization and abuse by social workers
40% of homeless youth identify as LGBTQIA. Many report being forced to leave their homes due to rejection or abuse from family members
LGBTQIA members with unstable housing report worse school functioning, higher substance use, and poorer mental health

Housing Insecurity

Housing insecurity is a particularly pressing issue for members of the LGBTQIA community and other underrepresented groups. Studies have shown these populations are disproportionately likely to experience homelessness and discrimination in the housing market. This can be due to a variety of factors, including discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity, lack of social and economic support, and lack of access to safe and affirming housing. For LGBTQIA youth, the risk of housing insecurity is especially high. According to a study by the Williams Institute, an estimated 40% of homeless youth identify as LGBTQIA, and many of these youth report being forced to leave their homes due to rejection or abuse from family members. This can leave them without a stable home, and at risk of violence, exploitation, and other negative outcomes.

Our Approach

Underrepresented communities such as people of color, people with disabilities, and immigrants, also face discrimination in the housing market. This can take many forms, including being denied rental housing, facing discriminatory terms and conditions, and enduring harassment from landlords or neighbors. The intersection of these identities can lead to even more housing insecurity and a lack of access to safe and affordable housing. Addressing the housing insecurity of these groups will require targeted efforts to combat discrimination, provide support services, and increase the availability of affordable housing options that are welcoming and inclusive.
